วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2560

Bio100 H2O (SAP) Super Absorbent Polymer

… building underground water reservoir … for your plants

Product features
• increase water holding capacity of soils
• decrease irrigation frequency by 30-50%
• limit loss of water and nutrients from leaching
• enhance plant growth with continuous water and nutrients availability
• last several years i.e. 2-3 years
• totally degradable, as it turns into fertilizer

Technical Details
Agricultural-grade super polymer (or Potassium polyacrylate), also known as
waterlock, is a potassium salt of polyacrylic acid with the chemical formula [-
CH2-CH(CO2K)-]n and broad application in agricultural and irrigation. This
superabsorbent polymer has the ability to absorb as much as 200 to 300
times its mass in water. Potassium polyacrylate is an anionic polyelectrolyte
with negatively charged carboxylic groups in the main chain.
When it rains or we irrigate the plants, the super polymer will absorb the water
inside its membrane wall … when the surrounding soil become dry from lack
of rainfall or drought, the plants’ root will move to the polymer and pull the
water molecules out of the polymer and get the much needed water …
resulting in the plants getting nourished and able to grow uninteruptedly …
until the next rainy season or till enough irrigated water becomes available
again … the polymer will continue absorbing the excess (and normally runoff
water) as reserves for future dry period(s) and the cycle is repeated.