วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2560

Caring & curing the Nature WITH NATURE

Bio100 empowers people to live greener, healthier, safer. A result of over 25 years of
research and development, we create a powerful enzyme technology that accelerates biochemical
reactions, up to a thousand times faster than their normal speed. Live Cell
Powder and will active in a few minutes when moisture.
Bio100 is a mixture of groups of organisms that has a reviving action on humans, animals,
and the natural environment and has also been described as a facultative beneficial

The main species include
Pediococcus pentosaceus
Lactic acid bacteria - acts as Homofermentor
Produces bacteriocins : Pediocins
Pichia Farinosa
This yeast is rarely found in nature, only 5 species out of more than 10,000 species
Produce Killer Toxin – and neutralise a whole range of toxin
Dekkera Bruxellensis
Produces enzymes – Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Xylanase, Cellubioase, Amylase,
Pectinase, Lignin and Arabinase
Effectively and efficiently breakdown organic matter to smaller molecules, especially
sugarsstarches, into acetic, w/o producing alcohol

• Odor removal
• Grease elimination
• Waste Water Treatment
• Animal health as feed additive
• Manure management
• Aquaculture (fish, shrimp, frog, etc.)
• Soil enhancement i.e. increase soil nutrients & promote plant growth
• Accelerate process of organic fertilizers
• Plant disease control
• Garbage container wash
• Drain cleaner
• Septic tank

Detailed Applications

For Plants e.g. Date Palm
  • help stimulate microbial activities in the soil, increase nutrients availability to the trees
  • increase soil porosity and permeability, enabling the tree roots to absorb nitrogen directly
  • help control and reduce pathogens that are harmful to the palm trees
  • more efficient accessibility of fertilizers help save on costs
  • provide essential hormones and nutrients that will make palm trees to be healthy
  • improve fruit-bearing efficiency, resulting in increased sweetness and sizes

For the Aquaculture (Shrimp & fish farming)
  • the enzymes from Bio100 accelerate biological removal of detrimental nutrients from the
  • water such as ammonia, nitrates, nitrites and hydrogen sulphide
  • managing water and soil conditions, balancing and maintaining water parameter
  • increase the yield, size and survival of shrimp & fish at harvest
  • reduce the feed conversion ration (FCR) and improve average daily gain (ADG)
  • improve income gained

